Friday, April 17, 2009
Vanished Rochester: The Billboard
It's hard to imagine billboards in downtown Rochester nowadays, with sign ordinances in place to regulate the size, shape and location of advertisements, but there was a time that several large ads could be found along Main Street. One of the best remembered stood on an empty lot at 303 S. Main (currently the location of the Mixx Salon). It was not until 1959 that the building at 303 S. Main was erected, and before that a large billboard occupied the space.
Robert Michalka lent me this great photo, taken in front of his father's store at 307 S. Main, which shows the billboard next door. That's Bob with his bicycle in front of Main Feed & Seed at 307 S. Main, and behind him is the billboard standing on the neighboring vacant lot. The billboard is featuring an ad for Koepplinger's bread. Remember the slogan? Koepplinger's - how do you spell that? B-R-E-A-D!
When I was a kid (born in '42) we used to sit on the top of that billboard to watch parades on Main St. That is, when we weren't riding our bikes in the parade with crepe paper in the wheels (red, white & blue) and a playing card attached to rub on the spokes to make a sound like a motorcycle. Hmmmm! Today I own a Harley.